Das diesjährige Motto der Fairen Woche „Fairer Handel wirkt“ haben wir zum Anlass genommen und unsere Handelspartner direkt gefragt: Was genau bewirkt der Faire Handel und unsere Handelsbeziehung bei euch vor Ort?
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“Fair trade has a positive impact on our company and employees. Because of being fair trade, it has helped women break free from poverty, violence and inequality and thus helps to improve the living standard and makes the world a better place to live in. We provide employment to women in the male-dominated Nepali culture. We involve women for making our papers because we feel women empowerment can help a woman in many different ways. It helps them to speak up, build their confidence. When women come to work here, they laugh, share their problems amongst each other and work together as a team. Some say it’s not just about the money they earn by making these papers and items but the freedom they feel when they are here.“ Dhakhwa (Herstellung von Loktapapier in Nepal)
“Working with fair trade companies like CONTIGO has a great impact on how we manage our business. Not only do we experience support, guidance and commitment. A strong relationship has been formed whereby they care about our vision and company mission, helping us grow and build community value chains.” All Women Recycling (Herstellung von Klikboxen in Südafrika)
„Working under the Fair Trade principles is very inspiring because we noticed how the artisan groups have improved their living conditions. We are witnesses of how the groups have grown by giving the opportunity to disadvantaged artisans with fair payments for their work and good working conditions.“ Sapia (Herstellung von Taguaschmuck und Naturdekorationen in Kolumbien)
„Fair trade practices give satisfaction to everyone in our team and motivate us to work as best as we can. So many individuals and families have been able to settle down with a stable lifestyle over the years working with us. Seeing their happiness gives us great joy and encourages us to do our utmost to further grow our work. With the help of CONTIGO, our Shirbandi team has been flourishing and all of us are glad that we have your love and support.“ Shirbandi (Herstellung von Filzprodukten in Nepal)